Art Class Returns to Bridgton

Art class is back in session this spring at Bridgton! Humanities teacher Dan Edwards is teaching the Foundations of Art this semester as an elective, breathing life into the art studio beneath Memorial Chapel and giving Wolverines the chance to express themselves in ways they perhaps haven’t tried before. Mr. Edwards is thrilled at the response he’s gotten, “The class has been popular, we’ve had a fun atmosphere, and it’s been great to work in a space that isn’t one of the traditional academic buildings. It lets the students see a different side of campus and it’s a space that feels like our own, which makes for a nice change of pace.” The value of having a unique space is immediately apparent when you walk into the room; there’s an ease to the atmosphere that is almost impossible to manufacture in more typical academic spaces. 
That doesn’t mean students aren’t working, though. With a couple of weeks under their belt, the budding artists are creating a perspective drawing: first one-point, then two point, and finally three-point before they share their piece with each other at the end of the week. Mr. Edwards is particularly excited by that last phase, explaining, “It’s always fun to see what they notice and admire in each other’s work.” While they have their hands full this week with their drawings, Mr. Edwards hopes to move into collage work, painting, and potentially even pottery before Commencement arrives in May. It’s great to see our Wolverines discover new ways to express themselves and we can’t wait to see what they’ll produce this spring!