The Women of Bridgton Giving Society

While we are incredibly proud of the all-male environment our Academy offers to educate our young men and help them reach their fullest potential, the truth is that our mission transcends gender: We work with boys, and by helping boys, we create men who will become the leaders, fathers, husbands, and caring citizens of the world tomorrow.

Although much of our constituency base is composed of the male gender, it is often the women of Bridgton who lead us in creating opportunity and facilitating change at our historic Academy. Time and time again, we have witnessed the tremendous generosity that comes from the women who care for Bridgton, and we have seen first-hand the transformational effects that these investments have on our mission, our programs, and our students.

Over the past few years, some of the largest single donations ever made to the Academy have been from women – women who believe in the boys of Bridgton, and the promise that these young men bring for tomorrow. These women have forever changed our Academy, and our trajectory would not be the same without them. From our proud female alumnae, to the mothers of our students, to the women who dedicate themselves to leading and shaping our Academy – we are the catalyst for strength and growth at Bridgton.

In celebration of the impact that women’s philanthropy has on our historic school, and to further encourage this wonderful tradition, Bridgton Academy is pleased to establish our first-ever Women of Bridgton Giving Society.

The Women of Bridgton Giving Society is a giving circle that has been created to specifically recognize the amazing women who stand alongside each of our Wolverines.

It is our goal that this society will help to not only inspire and unite the women of Bridgton Academy, but also encourage continued support for our shared goals of educating the young men of today who are working to achieve their fullest potential for a better tomorrow. We are hopeful that, together, we can celebrate a growing membership in our Women of Bridgton Giving Society, and that this giving circle will serve to further benefit the Academy’s mission and programs.

How it Works

Membership donations to the Women of Bridgton Giving Society will be directed in support of the Bridgton Fund, and all Women of Bridgton Giving Society members will be listed on our webpage and Annual Report on Giving. An annual letter to all Women of Bridgton Giving Society members will invite both monetary and volunteer support for a variety of Academy efforts.

How to Participate

The Women of Bridgton Giving Society membership begins with a $100 minimum donation, and will include an annual newsletter and giveaways for our members. Female donors whose lifetime donations to the Academy equal or exceed $100 (as of July 1, 2016), were automatically enrolled in this society for fiscal year 2017. A $100 minimum donation thereafter is required to maintain membership status.

It is our hope that the Women of Bridgton Giving Society will begin its first year with 100 members, and that this giving group will only continue to grow from there.

We truly believe that, without the women of Bridgton, our venerable Academy would not be in the era of progress that we are celebrating today. We look forward to welcoming your membership into the Women of Bridgton Giving Society, and thank you for your belief, support, and commitment to our beloved Wolverines.

As we work to strengthen Bridgton’s newest giving circle, we welcome your thoughts and feedback, and look forward to welcoming you as a one of the inaugural members of the Women of Bridgton Giving Society.