Planned Giving
Leave a Legacy for Bridgton Academy – Become a Member of The 1808 Society
The 1808 Society was established to honor all those who have taken the special step of including Bridgton Academy in their long-term plans through a bequest provision or other deferred giving arrangement.
The 1808 Society celebrates and promotes Bridgton Academy’s traditions of generosity, community, and loyalty. If you would like to learn more about ways to include Bridgton Academy in your plans, please contact us for a confidential consultation.
How to Join The 1808 Society:
The following types of commitments, confirmed in writing, qualify you for membership in The 1808 Society:
- A bequest provision in your will or revocable trust;
- a gift or assignment of qualified retirement plan assets, such as an IRA, 401(k) or 403(b);
- a gift of life insurance;
- certain other planned gifts.
If you have already included Bridgton Academy in a bequest or other planned gift, we hope you will let us know. To identify yourself as a member of The 1808 Society, or to learn more about planned giving options, please contact Jessica Priola in the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Ph. (207) 647-3322, ext. 1219
Mail: PO Box 292, North Bridgton, ME 04057
Did you know…Bequests are the most popular type of planned gifts at Bridgton Academy?
The official bequest language for Bridgton Academy is: “I, [Name], of [City, State, Zip], give, devise and bequeath to Bridgton Academy [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
*Bridgton Academy advises all donors to consult with their financial planner to determine best steps in their estate planning process.*